Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Color Complex

Okay, I've said it before and I'll say it again...there are A LOT of black folks out there with a "color complex"! Wait, I retract that statement.  It would be more accurate to say that there are a lot of people of color with a complex about complexion.  Specifically, dark complexions.  It's disturbing really.  This "complex" became evident to me as a child.  It became even more evident to me as a teen when I began dating.  Even now as an adult, I am often offended when I witness someone infecting others, even worse their kids, with their own personal hang-ups on color.  The interesting thing is that this complex isn't exclusive to the African-American community.  I've learned that other minority groups - Hispanics and East Indians, etc. - have the same issue with dark skin.

What led to me write about this today is a recent picture I saw on the internet of Sammy Sosa.  I know you've probably seen it and read all about it, but just in case, here is Mr. Sosa before and after...

I don't even need to post pictures of the late, great Michael Jackson because you all know what happened there.  While Mike blamed the drastic change in his complexion on Vitiligo, Sammy attributes his lighter skin tone to a cream meant to soften (the bleaching is supposedly a side effect).  I had a friend in high school who used skin bleaching cream to lighten her skin.  I saw an episode of The Tyra Banks show where a woman admitted to washing her children's faces with Clorox to lighten their skin.  We've all heard of the brown paper bag "test" they used to do back in the day.  It goes on and on...     

Anyway, my question is this - what the hell?!?!?!?  Seriously, what is going on?  Some say that this loathing of dark skin goes way back to the days of slavery and the light "house negro" vs. the dark "field negro".  Others say it's a function of Society and the idea of beauty that has been imposed on us.  Really???  Can we not get past that?  Will we just continue to let this ignorance destroy our self images and those of our children and grandchildren?  This has gone on long enough and has created a significant divide in our communities.  As cliche as it sounds, black really IS beautiful!  I know plenty of gorgeous dark skinned women and handsome dark skinned men.  God made us this stunning array of color for a reason.  We aren't meant to all look alike.  Furthermore, we are made in His image so however we look is exactly the way He wanted us.  Let's embrace ourselves the way we are.  Let's encourage others to do the same. 

Here are some examples of the ignorant crap I've heard over the years:

  • "Coffee makes you black"

  • "Dark skinned people are evil"

  • "You're pretty for a dark (or black) girl"

  • Dark skinned people can only wear blue

Let's put an end to this B.S.  The fact that it remains such a prominent issue in our communities is ridiculous.  Can we move on please???

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